Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Image: http://www.amarjit.info/2012/01/brief-introduction-on-sopa-pipa-part-1.html

One topic that i would like to explore in my PLE is the discussion of the SOPA/ PIPA act. I came across the discovery with a friend of mine, and i have later noticed that it might soon have a affect on everyone, including me. One thing that caught my attention was the fact that people are still out there fighting for the copyright laws. I personally thought they were already effective and in action, but I was wrong. Apparently the government felt the need to better protect the copyright laws. This caused some websites to go on strike and black out pages. When I found out that there were many ways we can be affected i took the time to find out the changes that it may alter in people's internet use.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Image Source: http://extratorrent.com/article/2079/welcome+sopa%E2%80%99s+twin+cispa.html
In the process of collecting this data for the SOPA and PIPA act i have found out things I have never knew before. If it wasn't for this class I would have never thought that there was a bill like this in action. In the beginning when I was discussing the terms of this bill I did agree with it at first. I am all towards copyright laws because I don't believe in stealing. I thought that both of these bills will better protect the different people who create certain works by making it impossible to download or stealing in any aspect. But boy how was I wrong. I didn't believe that it would change the way that many people use the internet today. As I am a frequent Facebook, Google, and Wikipedia user, so to go everyday without it would change how many times I would use the internet period. Just by this putting me in such of defense about not using the internet like I would normally do has put me on a hunt about finding more data and information about bills that might be passed like this. I will absolutely be keeping up with this information in the future because there is another bill that sounds just like it that might also be passed called CISPA. I would keep finding new information about the CISPA act because this might have the same affect on the internet as the last one. This has brought me so much information about how much the government can take away that it can alter peoples hobbies to the way people like to do certain things. Some people love to blog and make videos of them singing to different songs. What would they do if that was suddenly taken from them one day.  I believe that this class has made me really successful with finding new information and in some ways critical analysis.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Would CISPA Really Work?

Image Source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/04/18/1084490/-White-House-criticizes-proposed-cybersecurity-bill-
Protesters really got them scared now! The New Bipartisan House that are pursuing the bill have taken notice that the same people protesting the SOPA and PIPA. In the article "New bipartisan House cybersecurity bill haunted by ghost of SOPA’s failure" the author Bolton makes known that the lawmakers see a rebirth of what happen when the privacy act was taken place. What these people thought would be a good idea might not be such a good one. The big question they wonder is if big website might take place in the big debate like last time, websites being Google and Wikipedia. Although they are trying to pursue this bill as being quite different, i feel as though there might be some hidden policy's on this bill that might effect some websites later.
Click here to read the article !
Also by clinking on the Image source it will take you to "Daily Kos." A daily action alert list that will imform you more about the ability's and the definition on the CISPA bill. Some may say it is another bill trying to take away the freedom on the internet, and some who are agreeing with the bill are saying its just a way to protect companies. Which will you believe? 

Rise of the Villains

As many people thought the SOPA and PIPA act was put to an end three months ago, they were wrong. Even though SOPA might have ended but there is something else on the rise called CISPA. Even though many people thought these acts were going to be bad, this new one might be worse. The difference between these two is SOPA was about protecting property, and CISPA is about cybersecurity. In my personal opinion i think these are both very similar. This act is to protect websites and the government from hackers. These do sound similar but only differ from what they are protecting. CISPA is a protection for lawsuits and cyber information that is being threaten. This bill is designated towards companies. Although it is not another SOPA bill i still see similarity's and still wonder what effect it might have or other websites it the bill does take place.
To see the article Click Here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Would SOPA/PIPA Affect You?

Many people may believe if the SOPA would have gone into affect that it wouldn't have changed their lives. If SOPA/PIPA would have went into affect i think it would have changed everyone's lives. The people that invested and put so much into running certain sites the way they do would have been shut down completely. I find it wrong and sad that the government is trying to pick at every little thing. I do believe copyright can be a big issue at times but the Sopa act and PIPA bill were taking it to a whole new level. My question is what would the government try to take over next? Click Here to read the article, "How SOPA would affect you: FAQ."

Image Source: http://cubiclebot.com/comics/the-real-horror-of-s-o-p-a-comics/

MLA: McCullaghDeclan"How SOPA would affect you: FAQ", CBS Interactive. 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2010.

Recent News on SOPA/PIPA

Many things were going on involving the bill of SOPA/ PIPA. In this article "How Republican opposition derailed SOPA and Project IP," Obama states, "I think that it's going to be possible for us" to find a workable approach". Which i believe that people in the senate will try again at this bill to at least try to make it suggestible for people to still use the internet like normal, and while still putting this bill to action. This also informed me about the mistakes that supporters also made. Even though this might have came to a pause because of the choice that was made, i do think this will come back, with hopefully only minor effects on the way we can use the internet. 
Image Source: http://www.akascope.com/2012/01/17/rupert-murdoch-sopa-attack-google-receives-frustrated-response/ 
Click Here to see the article !
MLA: McCullagh, Declan. "How Republican opposition derailed SOPA and Protect IP." SOPA and Protect IP Act have finally splintered a Democrat-Republican alliance in favor of expanding copyright law that's been in place since the 1990s.. (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Would there be a Round Two?

Image Source: http://latuffcartoons.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/cartoon-warning-sopa-is-not-dead-yet-stopsopa/ 
After the big debate and controversy over the SOPA/ PIPA bills, they have been defeated. One question still rise to mind, and it's would they try again? Will they just count this time as practice and bring this bill up again later. Well I took at look at this article and i believe that they might try to come back around again. This article is called "Reading for Round Two." This basically just goes over the attempts that the people pushing this bill might try to make just so this bill can pass when the opportunity comes again.

Click Here for the article!
MLA: Rapp, Paul. "Readying for Round Two." Metroland: 6. Alt-PressWatch. Feb 09 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012 .