Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Critiquing a Critique

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Zombies !
          In the article "American Zombie Gothic", the author Kyle William Bishop discuss the zombie and other horror films and the historical eras it occurred. In this article the author organized when these films were written and the historical compassion that it had. Some of these films were created to reflect what happened around that time. Over time the word zombie definition has changed in many ways, it went from victim of voodoo magic or hypnosis, a dead corpse said to have been controlled through witch craft, or a dull slow witted person. The zombie is basically created by Americans and is the best monster comparing it to most monsters like ghosts, vampires, etc. The word zombie has been a attachment to the American culture. The films evolving around zombies has been around for 70 years, and has developed into something better each year. Over time zombies seem to change more into vampires when the movie Night of the living Dead was created by Romero. They had more aspects of what vampires did and same demeanor but did not dress like the vampires. This movie also protested against the war. By making this movie it made people view and understand about the killing and the violence to hurt others. The zombie cinema is represented to the social consequences. The youth took a new interest in zombies and started on the video game Doom, which showed zombie like marine soldiers. The first zombie like game to be created came out in 1996 named Resident Evil. This is just showing how much the character zombies have taken part in our lives in the American culture. The Zombie craze has also been adopted as a alternative life style. This is only because the movie Zombie Survival Guide, which teaches people like a hand book on how to survive when encountering a zombie. In the movie 28 days later they are comparing the disease AIDS to the way zombies react when trying to give their infection to a unharmed human. The zombies that are infected go around spreading the virus, kind of similar to AIDS. All of these zombie movies have some relevance and background behind the making. These zombie movies are very popular in our time and very relevant. Zombie movies might not be a precise occurrence in the modern society but it  is more of a corrupt one, with no social value.

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