MLA: Espinel,Victoria, Chopra, Aneesh and Schmidt Howard. "Obama Administration Responds to We the People Petitions on SOPA and Online Piracy." The White House Blog. 14 Jan 2012. Web. 3 Mar 2012.
One thing i can say about these two bills, S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A, that they are going to insinuate a pretty drastic change in the future. One place that I look that might have more evidence on the issue is the official government website. When searching on this website i came across a very interesting article. This article is called, "Obama Administration Responds to We the People Petitions on SOPA and Online Piracy." I found this article very informing because my impressions about the S.O.P.A bills ability has changed. Yes i believe online privacy is a great issue and people promoting and obeying by the copyright laws, but my first impression was that this bill would take away the creative aspect of the internet. By creative aspect, I mean reagular users who like to share the things they enjoy on the internet. In this article it discusses the petitions that created. Even though this law may be a buzz kill, it shows that the Obama Administration is trying to hear everyone out about the proposition. So maybe they can keep the protection of privacy in the law but still be able to keep the innovatory internet.
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By clicking on the Image Source you will be lead to a blog by Venki. No this is not a credible source but he does give good information about how some film industries are being affected, and how many other things like search engines and how they would be affected. Some of the things he says i have said in my past blog posts.
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