Wednesday, February 22, 2012


S.O.P.A / P.I.P.A
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Is it right to have the government try to censor everything you post or do? The technology that we have access to everyday may be more monitored for the protection of copyright issues. S.O.P.A is an acronym for Stop Online Privacy Act, which is associated with The House Of Representatives. Another bill is P.I.P.A and that stands for Protect IP Act. Both of these bills are similar, and both go for the same cause. Although technology is a good and useful tool i believe it is not right for someone to take our rights away from posting a favorite song that we like to sing, or even posting a picture that we admire. One reason why this topic interest me is because if anyone of these bills are passed they will have the same effect. This will change all of social media, blogs, and youtube, basically anything you post 
and didn't create will be taken down. 
Click Here for the article that defines the issues about the S.O.P.A act.