Saturday, April 21, 2012

Would CISPA Really Work?

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Protesters really got them scared now! The New Bipartisan House that are pursuing the bill have taken notice that the same people protesting the SOPA and PIPA. In the article "New bipartisan House cybersecurity bill haunted by ghost of SOPA’s failure" the author Bolton makes known that the lawmakers see a rebirth of what happen when the privacy act was taken place. What these people thought would be a good idea might not be such a good one. The big question they wonder is if big website might take place in the big debate like last time, websites being Google and Wikipedia. Although they are trying to pursue this bill as being quite different, i feel as though there might be some hidden policy's on this bill that might effect some websites later.
Click here to read the article !
Also by clinking on the Image source it will take you to "Daily Kos." A daily action alert list that will imform you more about the ability's and the definition on the CISPA bill. Some may say it is another bill trying to take away the freedom on the internet, and some who are agreeing with the bill are saying its just a way to protect companies. Which will you believe? 

Rise of the Villains
As many people thought the SOPA and PIPA act was put to an end three months ago, they were wrong. Even though SOPA might have ended but there is something else on the rise called CISPA. Even though many people thought these acts were going to be bad, this new one might be worse. The difference between these two is SOPA was about protecting property, and CISPA is about cybersecurity. In my personal opinion i think these are both very similar. This act is to protect websites and the government from hackers. These do sound similar but only differ from what they are protecting. CISPA is a protection for lawsuits and cyber information that is being threaten. This bill is designated towards companies. Although it is not another SOPA bill i still see similarity's and still wonder what effect it might have or other websites it the bill does take place.
To see the article Click Here.