Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Would SOPA/PIPA Affect You?

Many people may believe if the SOPA would have gone into affect that it wouldn't have changed their lives. If SOPA/PIPA would have went into affect i think it would have changed everyone's lives. The people that invested and put so much into running certain sites the way they do would have been shut down completely. I find it wrong and sad that the government is trying to pick at every little thing. I do believe copyright can be a big issue at times but the Sopa act and PIPA bill were taking it to a whole new level. My question is what would the government try to take over next? Click Here to read the article, "How SOPA would affect you: FAQ."

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MLA: McCullaghDeclan"How SOPA would affect you: FAQ", CBS Interactive. 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2010.

Recent News on SOPA/PIPA

Many things were going on involving the bill of SOPA/ PIPA. In this article "How Republican opposition derailed SOPA and Project IP," Obama states, "I think that it's going to be possible for us" to find a workable approach". Which i believe that people in the senate will try again at this bill to at least try to make it suggestible for people to still use the internet like normal, and while still putting this bill to action. This also informed me about the mistakes that supporters also made. Even though this might have came to a pause because of the choice that was made, i do think this will come back, with hopefully only minor effects on the way we can use the internet. 
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Click Here to see the article !
MLA: McCullagh, Declan. "How Republican opposition derailed SOPA and Protect IP." SOPA and Protect IP Act have finally splintered a Democrat-Republican alliance in favor of expanding copyright law that's been in place since the 1990s.. (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Would there be a Round Two?

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After the big debate and controversy over the SOPA/ PIPA bills, they have been defeated. One question still rise to mind, and it's would they try again? Will they just count this time as practice and bring this bill up again later. Well I took at look at this article and i believe that they might try to come back around again. This article is called "Reading for Round Two." This basically just goes over the attempts that the people pushing this bill might try to make just so this bill can pass when the opportunity comes again.

Click Here for the article!
MLA: Rapp, Paul. "Readying for Round Two." Metroland: 6. Alt-PressWatch. Feb 09 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012 .

What Caused the Delay Over Sopa?

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They have set the bill to the side in January to go over it later in February 2011. One thing i was wondering is why they prolonged the debate over the bill. This was cause because the great opposition of the companies and organization of Wikipedia, Google and many others. This was a smart move i believe because approving this bill would have had so many effects on peoples lives. Not only of the regular people that visit these websites, but for the people that have invested their money into building and setting up these websites.
Click Here for the article on delaying SOPA.
Clicking on the Image source link will lead to another site with the article "SOPA is dead, Smith pulls bill." This site goes over the reason and the actions to removing the bill. This article was created by the CBS News staff. I believe this is a credible information on knowing why they are holding off any action on legislation to battle online copyright.

Cheredar, Tom. "House debate over SOPA anti-piracy bill to resume in Feb." (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. <>.

Staff News, CBS. "SOPA is dead, Smith pulls bill." Tech Talk. (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. <>.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Working in our Favor?

Espinel,Victoria, Chopra, Aneesh  and Schmidt Howard. "Obama Administration Responds to We the People Petitions on  SOPA and Online Piracy." The White House  Blog. 14 Jan 2012. Web. 3 Mar 2012.

One thing i can say about these two bills, S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A, that they are going to insinuate a pretty drastic change in the future. One place that I look that might have more evidence on the issue is the official government website. When searching on this website i came across a very interesting article. This article is called, "Obama Administration Responds to We the People Petitions on SOPA and Online Piracy." I found this article very informing because my impressions about the S.O.P.A bills ability has changed. Yes i believe online privacy is a great issue and people promoting and obeying by the copyright laws, but my first impression was that this bill would take away the creative aspect of the internet. By creative aspect, I mean reagular users who like to share the things they enjoy on the internet. In this article it discusses the petitions that created. Even though this law may be a buzz kill, it shows that the Obama Administration is trying to hear everyone out about the proposition. So maybe they can keep the protection of privacy in the law but still be able to keep the innovatory internet.
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For the article Click Here!

By clicking on the Image Source you will be lead to a blog by Venki. No this is not a credible source but he does give good information about how some film industries are being affected, and how many other things like search engines and how they would be affected. Some of the things he says i have said in my past blog posts.

The Right of Free Speech?

"S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A"
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Would you say these bills might take away the right of free speech? In some ways I do believe by passing this bill, will take away the ability of people to express themselves through social media, blogs, and many other websites. If this pass then many other sites will be effected. One reason why it effects free speech because if you make a video of yourself singing a song the you really enjoy, they can censor the video because you do not have rights to the song. That's taking away your will to do something you enjoy doing. I believe that people should have the right to freely express and show people what they like. To get a better understanding about how this would affect our freedom of speech take a look at this video below to see some aspects of what might happen. 

Video:  BaixaCultura. "Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet [legendado]."Nonprofits & Activism. YouTube. 19 Nov 2011. Web. 3 Mar. 2012.

Article: #SOPA & #PIPA Website Blackouts. Lanham, United States, Lanham: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc, 2012.ProQuest Research Library. Web. 3 Mar. 2012.

In this article, "SOPA & PIPA Website Blackouts: Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) News Release." It discusses the day the internet community decided to go black in order to get people attention about the debate legislation.Many people go to these web sites not knowing whats going on behind them. People put there family pictures up on social networks for people to see and enjoy, but what some people might not know is that once this law gets passed, and they cancel some social networks all of their picture will disappear.
Click Here to check out the article!

Friday, March 2, 2012

S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A

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"Stop S.O.P.A & P.I.P.A"
Take a look at this video that has provided me with a great understanding about the effects that the two bills S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A might have once passed in the law. The first good understanding that i got with the video is that copyright issues are a problem, and it is unfortunate for the people that do have the rights to something that is getting exploited and that owner of the copyright material cannot do anything about it. This actually compares the two and states what would happen when either one of these bills take place. Although i do understand the abilities that the bills have to protect copyright laws, i just believe it should be carried out in a way so that everyone that uses the internet can still have the right to do what they enjoy most, and thats communicate with friends with similar interest. Because when the bills do pass, everything I'm posting in the class right now is a violation.
Video: khanacademy. "SOPA and PIPA." Education Channel. YouTube. 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2012.

Eller, Lisa H. "The Battle for the Internet." Boise Weekly: 13. Alt-PressWatch. 2012. Web. 2 Mar. 2012 .

You can also Click Here for the article "The Battle for the Internet" by Eller Lisa. This article is going over the battle of the internet, In some ways this may help people that enjoy posting this website, other than just getting rid of it. What people post on social networks and blogs only promotes and help models, inspiring artists, and many other people become famous. There are ways that copyright can hurt some owners, and then again there are ways that can help them become more world wide, and relevant.